Local Creativity: Mel Mar Design.

MelMar Design

Right in the hub of Caves Beach, Mel Mar Design is making waves with its cool, custom interior designs. Grace, the creative force at Mel Mar, is mixing things up with a fresh take on interior design that’s totally in tune with our community.

Grace’s Free Offer

In the digital age, accessibility to professional services is key, and Mel Mar Design has embraced this by offering Free Virtual Design Consultations allowing residents of Caves Beach and beyond to reimagine their spaces without the limitations of distance or busy schedules.

A Personal Touch

Grace brings a warm, personal touch to her consultations, ensuring that each design reflects the individuality of the client and the uniqueness of their space. Whether you’re looking to revamp a single room or transform your entire home, Mel Mar Design’s virtual consultations offer the perfect first step towards realising your vision.

Mel Mar Design’s commitment to fostering community ties through design excellence is a testament to the vibrant future of Caves Beach. By linking local businesses, such as Mel Mar Design, with residents through platforms like Caves Beach Connect, we weave a tighter, more supportive community fabric.

For more information on Mel Mar Design and to book your Free Virtual Design Consultation, visit https://www.melmardesign.com.au. Let’s shape our spaces and our community together!

Mel Mar Design


All businesses represented on Caves Beach Connect are owned or operated by locals that live in and around Caves Beach
although the businesses themselves may not necessarily operate in Caves Beach.

Our guiding principle for listing a business is for anyone that lives in or around Caves Beach and owns or
operates a business inside or outside of Caves Beach.

We want it to be a vehicle to encourage networking and for locals to support locals.

The views and opinions expressed by each business or community stakeholder are those of each business or community stakeholder and do not necessarily reflect the views of Caves Beach Connect.

Caves Beach Connect acknowledges the Aboriginal people known today as the Awabakal, as the traditional Custodians of the land, respecting Aboriginal Elders past, present and future. Caves Beach Connect recognises the local Aboriginal community today in all of their diversity, who came forward to share their experiences, knowledge, images and memories.