Fiducian Financial Services.

Financial Planning Services in Caves Beach.

At Fiducian Financial Services we are a local and have been offering financial planning services in Caves Beach for over twenty years.
We are happy to come to you and sit down to discuss your current situation and can help you going forward with any one of a number of financial strategies, which could include tax minimisation, protecting your financial situation and wealth creation, tailored to suit you and your family’s financial needs.
We are a Certified Financial Planner and a Fully Licensed Authorised Representative of Fiducian Financial Services.
We offer a complete financial planning service which includes advising and dealing in the following financial products;
- Retirement Planning
- Budget and Cashflow Planning
- Centrelink Benefits, other Government Benefits and Aged Care Assistance
- Salary Packaging
- Personal Superannuation
- Employer Superannuation
- Investments and Savings Plans
- Debentures and Government Bonds
- Deposit and Payment Products
- Estate Planning
- Securities
- Life Risk Insurance within Superannuation
- Credit assistance and Debt Management
- Gearing and Margin Lending
For an initial complimentary consultation with me, please email or phone us. It is also a good idea to visit Fiducian Financial Services website for more information.
Authorised Representative & Credit Representative of Fiducian Financial Services Pty Ltd, ABN 46 094 765 134, AFS & Australian Credit Licence No. 231103.
Caroline Brown CFP®, SA Fin
Senior Financial Planner
Authorised Representative 223814 • Credit Representative 369469
Phone. 1300 513 724
Mobile. 0411 602 607
PO Box 129,Swansea, NSW 2281
Hey Fiducian Financial Services, let's meet for a coffee?
Retirement Planning, Budget and Cashflow Planning, Centrelink Benefits, other Government Benefits and Aged Care Assistance, Salary Packaging, Personal Superannuation, Employer Superannuation, Investments and Savings Plans, Debentures and Government Bonds, Deposit and Payment Products, Estate Planning, Securities, Life Risk Insurance within Superannuation, Credit assistance and Debt Management, Gearing and Margin Lending.
All businesses represented on Caves Beach Connect are owned or operated by locals that live in and around Caves Beach
although the businesses themselves may not necessarily operate in Caves Beach.
Our guiding principle for listing a business is for anyone that lives in or around Caves Beach and owns or
operates a business inside or outside of Caves Beach.
We want it to be a vehicle to encourage networking and for locals to support locals.
The views and opinions expressed by each business or community stakeholder are those of each business or community stakeholder and do not necessarily reflect the views of Caves Beach Connect.
Caves Beach Connect acknowledges the Aboriginal people known today as the Awabakal, as the traditional Custodians of the land, respecting Aboriginal Elders past, present and future. Caves Beach Connect recognises the local Aboriginal community today in all of their diversity, who came forward to share their experiences, knowledge, images and memories.